Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Great Escape

Well, today the event that I have been dreading happened. Ellie climbed out of her crib. Luckily I was right there and caught her on the way down, but I don't plan to sit in her room all night waiting for when she decides to go wander the house. She had bitten Isabella (another first) and I put Noelle in the crib for punishment while I consoled her sister. Apparently Noelle thinks she is too young for time out and took matters into her own hands...and legs...and biceps. So tomorrow I am off to Babies R Us for the recommended crib tent (thank you Nicole) as there is no way that she is ready for a big girl bed. Can you imagine her in a twin bed? She would get lost in there. I've been reflecting lately on how easy Isabella was as a toddler because ,besides the drama, she never tried to climb on ANYTHING. Most of the time I was trying to peel her off me. Honestly, it is really nice to have 2 such different personalities in our home. I still don't understand how 2 such mild mannered adults have produced the Drama Queen and the X Games star as offspring though. Maybe it was all that southern sweet tea I had during pregnancy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow day number 2

Well, yesterday we played outside without coats and blew bubbles. Ellie ate alot of bubble soap and Isabella tried to dominate every activity. Noelle can now climb up the slides and go down by herself. She also happened to fall down our hill in the backyard, first doing a somersault and then logrolling about 5 more times before Ben rescued her. Just a few scratches on her face but now I remember why we wanted to build that railing off the patio. Today it snowed and snowed and snowed. It was probably more than we have ever had since we have lived here in Knoxville. Isabella had a wonderful time as I knew she would. She pestered me all day to go outside but I was unwilling to take both girls out by myself. So I offered to take her out when Ellie napped. Well, Ellie never napped, so Izzy was downright furious by the time Ben got home. We listened to Ellie cry on the monitor and Izzy said, "I think she's asleep mommy". Nice try dear one. Eventually Daddy came to her (and my) rescue. I shoved them both out the door at him and said "see y'all in an hour!". Noelle was not sure of the snow at first. She was skeptical of her outfit which greatly impeded her mobility. She licked the snow and made a "brrr"face. Ben took her sledding down the hill. She cried but when he brought her back to me she cried to go back out. Maybe she was just a little wary of that hill from the day before. Maybe Izzy has the right idea. Here is a picture of her taking her baby swimming today. They both had to put on bathing suits. Then she loaded her baby in the car and was off to the makeshift swimming pool - our bathtub. It made me shiver to look at her but I had to choose my battles today. By the way, I have the best husband in the world. He is mopping our floor right now on his own accord. I am such a great housewife. My hubby works all day, takes the children when he gets home, did the dishes and now is cleaning our disgusting house. What have I done to deserve this?