Monday, April 13, 2009

The Wedding and Easter Sunday

Haven't written in a while due to my preoccupation with my dear friend's wedding followed by a visit from my parents and Easter. The wedding was beautiful, very classy. It was great to be with all my old high school friends again. We even got to spend a little extra time with Lori, who I have been friends with since her birth (I know we did not play together that early, but you get the point). My girls loved her and the princess nightgowns she brought. Isabella also got to catch up with her godmother Becky, my other best friend who I have known forever. Tana was gorgeous and looked like she belonged in a bridal magazine. I hope that she has a wonderful marriage and good luck to her and Brad as they move to Hawaii. We rented an awesome house with several bedrooms, waterfalls and landscaping outside, chickens, horses, and cats for the girls to play with and feed. We even got to collect fresh eggs from the chickens each morning. If anyone is interested in going to Asheville let me know- I would highly recommend this place.

The girls had a great time with the grandparents. First with Ben's parents in Asheville and then mine here in Knoxville. We can't wait to see them more often. Ellie even is saying grandma and grandpa now. She was looking at pictures last night and pointed right to grandma and said it. She does seem to gravitate towards the grandpas though. Izzy loves her grandmas.

Easter at our house began as any other Sunday would with the girls arrising early and a frantic hurry to early church. We discovered that Ellie loves chocolate and Izzy loves t-ball and is actually somewhat coordinated. I was happy to see that Miles had a little meltdown on Easter too. Both my girls were sugared up and CRAZY and fighting, and unappreciative, etc. etc. At the end of the day I said to Ben, "I wish we could just do this day over". He said, "You'd want to go through that all again?". Anyway, the pictures are sweet and we will just remember the fun parts I am sure. Hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday!