Sunday, March 29, 2009

This one's about me (mostly)

In a change of character I just had to write about the Knoxville 5K today. My friends Nicole and Ann joined me at 6:30 this morning to embark on the adventure of running the hills of Knoxville for 3.1 miles. I have not run a 5K since college. Although my time was a full 10 minutes slower than my run 10 years ago, I am still proud that I did it. A year ago my pelvis would have broken apart I think. It was so inspiring to see the marathon runners start their race and the spirit in the air was all positive. One of the marathoners running by said, "26 miles to go!". Although the race was NOT easy (especially the beginning 1.5 miles that were steadily uphill!) I had renewed hope in myself and my body's ability to get in shape again. Who knows what the future may hold, but that half-marathon is looking enticing for next year. I believe that Nicole and Ann are inspired as well. In fact, we need a 4th person for our marathon relay team next year. Any takers?
Just had to take a second to brag about my baby too. Noelle stayed dry all afternoon and even asked (in her own way) to use the potty 2 times. Not too shabby for 17 months. What a smart chicky she is. But that's all I'll say since this one is about me.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

officially 4

Izzy is now four and she looks the same, talks the same, can wear the same clothes, and can still come in my bed in the middle of the night. The only worry that turned to reality is that she could not see her grandmas while she was still 3. The morning started with tears regarding the before-mentioned subjects but they were quickly resolved with the suggestion of opening birthday gifts. This dried up Izzy's tears but was the cause of an Ellie outburst which was not what I predicted. I had no idea that she was old enough to care. But, as though of you who know her know, she wants to be older than she is on most accounts. Izzy received princess dolls and a dollhouse from Ben, Noelle, and myself, some pretty dresses from grandma Julie and Grandpa Del, and a Toys r us gift card from Aunt Kellie and Uncle Steve. Rumor has it that they want to come to Knoxville to help her spend it. After lunch Ellie took a nap (all that crying and envy wears a girl out) and we had some nice alone time with just Izzy. We had cake and ice cream when Ellie woke up and then headed over to Concord park. That in itself was a testament to Isabella's maturity as she had no problem climbing all over the equipment even though there were other kids all over it. A year ago she would have just stood back. After the park we went to dinner where Izzy said in the most serious tone, "This is a really nice dinner together guys". We tucked her in bed that night and at 11:30 she came into our room (she had said when she was 4 she would sleep in her own bed all night). Oh well, maybe next year or when I'm a little less groggy and can stop her. All in all it was a great day.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Tea Party

For Isabella's 4th birthday we decided to have a little tea party with her playgroup friends. I stayed up late the night before and rolled out of bed in the am only to have much difficulty convincing my girls that they needed to dress up. Izzy wanted to wear her rattiest looking dress and even then only with much encouragement. I even offered her my pearls which she put on reluctantly. Ellie would have none of it and I finally just put her in a t-shirt and shorts. Oh well. Ava showed up looking beautiful in her Sleeping Beauty dress at which point Izzy wanted her Cinderella dress on. Why is it that kids already think their friends are smarter than their parents at age 4? The rest of the crew arrived. Miles looked handsome in his dress shirt and even brought flowers. Millie had a skirt on, although her scene stealing moment was actually at the end of the party when she looked like an old lady getting ready for a cruise. Lindsay must have been in a similar mood to Isabella as she took her dress off as soon as she arrived. Audrey and Reed hung out while Ellie tried to play with the big kids. Everyone had a good time although nobody wanted tea (yuck!). The cupcake frosting was definitly the best part of the whole spread. Isabella was wound for hours afterward, but was very helpful with the cleanup. She even asked to use the handheld vac. I can't believe she is almost 4. There are times when I wish she would grow up, but for the most part I wish I could freeze her where she is. She has so much personality. I love watching her dance and sing and just talk. I hate that she visits me every night in my bed, but I also know that there will come those days when she won't want to sleep with me, or shop with me, or snuggle with me, or even look at me.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Horror of Turning 4

Today during dinner Izzy suddenly became tearful at my mention of her turning 4 soon. I thought this might be in response to her previous (2 months ago) statement that when she turns 4 she will sleep in her bed all night every night (this was in response to our exasperated "this has to stop!" after several return trips to her bed that night). But no. First she said, "but I want to see Grandma while I'm still 3!". I tried to reassure her that she will see Grandma within a month and to boot there will be cake, candles, and presents. "But will I still have this face? Will I look like Isabella?" Mercy child. She must have seen how much I have aged this year and become frightened. If she only knew that if she did not wake up every night and come find us she might look weeks, maybe months younger. Mommy and Daddy would be less irritable and healthy, and yes, maybe look 29 or so.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shark face and a big girl

A strange title I know. Isabella is really into practicing different emotions, or different faces anyway. This isn't a surprise to us since one of her earliest favorite passtimes was to watch herself cry in the mirror. She could whip up a batch of tears for no reason. Now, besides sad face, she also does happy face, surprised face, disgusted face, and shark face. I know that shark is not an emotion, but it does scare me, so I suppose we could also call it mean or scary face. What do you think? Notice Ellie trying to imitate. I can't believe that I'm going to have a 4 year old in a couple weeks. She does not let much get by her. I really need to watch what I do and say. In other news Ellie went pee on the potty for the first time yesterday before bathtime. I think it was intentional but I'm not sure. She thinks she is a big kid already and has been interested in the toilet for months. Most of me does not want this to happen this early because besides the expense, diapers are actually very convenient. But I am still proud nonetheless.